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Need serious and honest advice. Please help.

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Old 11-12-2003, 09:34 AM
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I spent 4 semesters screwing off at a university then my parents said enough is enough and didn't let me go back... I've taken like 12-14 credits at a local community college. I'm working on getting at least my associates, but I'm only going part time, so it's taking a while... that and I havn't been for 2 semesters now...

I think getting a degree of some kind is very valuable if you want to get anywhere... Right now I have a nice job working in an IT department(which is what I am going to school for), but I know that if I want to move up very far in the company I need to get a degree... That's realyl what drives me... I would like to be a department manager or director for for my company some day, but that won't be possible without some sort of schooling.
Old 11-12-2003, 09:52 AM
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1.) Did you or did you not go to school?

I am currently attending SLCC (SLC Community College.)

2.) If not, are you happy with your decision? If so, was it worth it?

If I wasn't attending college I know all I would be doing is working at jobs that I didn't like.

3.) Would you change whatever your decision was (go to school/not go to scool) now that you are in the "real life" working?

NO! I am very glad that I am going to school. Like you my parents and others who have a large influence in my life have reinforced to me that college is where its at. I agree with that. In a sociology class that I took the professor threw out some number as to salarys and compared them to those would didn't go to college and those who did. The was a huge difference in salary from one to the other. Obviously those who attended college were making more money.

4.) For those that didn't finish college, what types of careers are you pursuing? Are you satisfied with the success you've attained/ income level/ quality of life?

I haven't finished yet. But my suggestion would be like what Delsolgirl said. Take a variety of classes and see what interests you. You said that you like cars. Ask your self what you want to do with them. Work on them? Sell them? etc.... Then when you have decided that talk to a counselor at school and have them help you plan a course of action. Honestly if you work hard and go to school it will pay off. Now there are people out there that haven't gone to school and do very well. But if you ask them they will say that they were very lucky and most importantly that they would have gone if they could do it again. Although Nightshade had a good point, he said that school isn't for him. Why waste your money and time if you aren't going to take it seriously. Hope everything works out for you though.
Old 11-12-2003, 09:52 AM
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I think my experiences may be helpful. I went to college right out of high school. Major was engineering. I had a scholarship and dad paying for school. (no worries, right?) Well, all I did was party and I ended up failing out. Enter phase 2 of my life. Joined the Marine Corps, served from 94-98. Got out trained in a technical field. Worked on 'puters for a while, now work in a related technical field making pretty good money. Now, the kicker. I want my degree to advance in my company, so I go to school online and at night, while trying to share time with my wife and daughters.

Bottom line: stay in school. Complete it now, when you're young and it will open many doors for you in the future.
Old 11-12-2003, 12:48 PM
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1.) Did you or did you not go to school?
been going since fall 1996. i didnt know what i really wanted to do from then till about summer of 01. i was a real slacker in hs and was content with an AS at a junior college. so i attended a junior college for 5 yrs as a engrish major, then thought about histry major, math major, finally ending up as a liberal arts major. after a few computer courses at that jc i decided i liked computer stuffs so i started looking at tech schools and wound up at one of my friends, juan, goes there and should be graduating real soon.
2.) If not, are you happy with your decision? If so, was it worth it?
i am content with my decision because i believe it is my best course of action. if i knew then what i know now idve done better in high school, probably been graduated from a reputable university. but who knows what id be doing. probably a dr.
3.) Would you change whatever your decision was (go to school/not go to scool) now that you are in the "real life" working?
my friend, juan, is a systems analyst for the county and making ~70k/year. did i mention is is 23? im a clerk right now and i know ill be where juan is. school helped him get there and its gonna help me get there. my employer is looking for young people to hire as analysts
4.) For those that didn't finish college, what types of careers are you pursuing? Are you satisfied with the success you've attained/ income level/ quality of life?


unless you got a real good thing going on where you dont need to go to school, go to school. if later you find an opportunity that requires an education, youll already have one
Old 11-12-2003, 01:03 PM
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I go to a state university in FL and I'm sooo happy.
I love the whole college experience, living on your own, making your priorities, setting everything up yourself...

I wouldn't say I love all my classes. I could go without Finite Math or Astronomy...but sometimes you just gotta stick it out.

I think your first and second years are always tough because you have to take stupid gen eds. But then afterwards, assuming you picked the major that is right for you the classes become enjoyable or at the very least, bearable.

My reccomendation to you is: take any class that interests you. Even if it's not your major. Take advantage of the time you have in school because it will teach you things about sooo many different topics and most importantly, you will learn about yourself.

So maybe you have had some crappy classes, that's fine because now you know what you DON'T want to do. I think you just need to do a little bit of soul searching.

If you still don't enjoy school after a year or so then maybe it's not for you. It's not for everyone. However, I think a lot of people just write college off because they never even give it a chance. Or they look at it as a burden rather than an opportuinity. Just realize that without a degree you are severely limiting your options and your growth in the career of your choice.

Old 11-12-2003, 02:11 PM
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1.) Did you or did you not go to school?


2.) If not, are you happy with your decision? If so, was it worth it?

yes, school is for chumps

3.) Would you change whatever your decision was (go to
school/not go to scool) now that you are in the "real life" working?


4.) For those that didn't finish college, what types of careers are you pursuing? Are you satisfied with the success you've attained/ income level/ quality of life?

i didnt even goto high school.
Old 11-12-2003, 02:30 PM
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Good thread :bigok:

I have doubts about school somtimes. Took a year off before starting, then I started part-time. I had no clue what I wanted to do. I do look back and wish I had started like most people, because then I'd be graduated by now

Anyhow, I sometimes focus on the fact that I'll be 25 when I get my B.A. but not everyone is ready at the same time. Shiet, up until a month ago, I thought pursuing a law degree would bring happiness in my life, but realized I was choosing that path for the wrong reasons.

I've learned that sometimes you need to take risks in life, which is why I want to pursue writing. I do have some interest in getting a masters, but am not going to commit to it right now. All I plan for is to get my bachelors in English/Lit with an emphasis on writing and see what oppurtunities are available to me at that time.
Old 11-12-2003, 03:29 PM
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Default Re: Need serious and honest advice. Please help.

I'm 21, senior year right now. Going to be here for a second senior year.

Let me tell ya man--I do the whole party all night, go to class hung over, procrastinate on everything routine. I hate class even when it's on a subject that I supposedly like. But ya know what? I love college. When else am I going to be able to live without a care in the world aside from some bills and some grades? Once I get done with this it's hello real world, hello responsibility. I have contemplated dropping out several times for various reasons but I always get back to that. Student life is fun and the price you pay to live that life is being a student.

I also know that for the level of income that I'm looking to achieve it makes it a lot easier if you have some kind of degree even if it's not specialized. I'm an English major, for example. It's kind of just a check-box that most companies want to have as something you have managed to accomplish.
Old 11-12-2003, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Need serious and honest advice. Please help.

I'll answer 'cause I have my BA already

1) Went to college, got my BA in Environmental Policy
2) I'm happy that I did it, 'cause now I have a lot of experience in the field I want to go into, and I got to meet a lot of great people and expand my personal horizons. I truly matured from the experience.
3) Oddly enough, I was making significantly more with my HS diploma than with my BA, but I blame that more on the economy than anything. I don't regret anything though...

College was a tooth and nail fight for me... See, I didn't exactly have the money for another year of school, so I graduated in three years (When I was 20), which killed me... I was incredibly burnt out in the end... and in retrospect, all I really would have done differently would have been that I would have taken a year off...

But yeah... I'm glad I have my BA. It's because that when I decide that I'm ready for the real world, I can jump in with the minimum qualifications for a good job...

a BA doesn't exactly mean you're an expert in that field... a BA means you can jump through a lot of hoops, and you have a specific interest in a certain subject... Thus, a lot of employers look for a BA as a sign that someone can do work effectively under a deadline, and has basic real-world professional skills.

IMO, get your BA man, no matter what. BUT if you're feeling burnt out, I'd take a year off... better that you pace yourself and do it right than burn yourself and never finish
Old 06-25-2007, 09:38 PM
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well, I got the go ahead to bump this 3 1/2 year old thread. Here's the reason:

After reading this thread I am wondering where you all have progressed to in these past years, and if you are happy with where you are at. Also, would any of you change your answers that you posted a few years ago? Where do yourself in another 3 years?

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