Old 02-12-2008, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by MrFatbooty
So this guy at my office has developed a bit of a habit of sending emails to the whole office.

There are two steadfast rules at my office: don't shit in the middle stall unless it's an emergency, and don't email the whole office.

There's a distribution list that is only for the senior management and the admin to email everyone with announcements and such. Te only exception is around holidays when stuff slows down.

This dude, who's been around for maybe 5 months, and happens to be in my department, hasn't gotten it through his thick skull that he's not supposed to email everybody. Even though every time he does it he gets bitched out.

He did it once when he brought in a whole bunch of eggnog and vanilla wafers for our department, that was way more than anyone wanted. So he tried to pawn off the extras on the rest of the office. Oh and he put it near my desk so the rest of the office thought I was somehow involved in his crap.

Then he decided for both the NFC Championship and Super Bowl to send NY Giants smack talk with a whole bunch of pictures inserted in to it. To the whole office!!!

Today he sent out yet another email announcing that he would be playing the trumpet in his band at Overture Center, the local concert hall of note. Then he decided he absolutely had to reply to all and make sure everyone knew not to worry because he is in fact a *professional* trumpet player.

I've had enough. Plus since I'm a manager a bunch of people griped to me even though this guy doesn't work directly for me. Well no longer! He is going DOWN!!! It's like he talked about Fight Club!!!

Thank gawd I dont work for that company.
A lot of that goes on at my job but, its kept internal and I work in wall street. Not sure why you guys seem to be anal about it? Its not like theres a fee per email.