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Ahmadinejad:"American Empire" nearing its end

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Old 09-24-2008, 04:42 PM
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Default Ahmadinejad:"American Empire" nearing its end

Ahmadinejad: 'American empire' nearing its end

* Story Highlights
* Iranian president at U.N.: "A few bullying powers" creating world's problems
* Ahmadinejad on "Larry King Live": I have no preference between McCain, Obama
* Ahmadinejad: Attacking Iran would be "worst thing the U.S. government can do"
* Hostility with the U.S. "has not been from our end," Ahmadinejad says
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(CNN) -- In a blistering speech before the United Nations General Assembly, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed "a few bullying powers" for creating the world's problems and said the "American empire in the world is reaching the end of its road."
At the United Nations, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said countries are turning their backs on "bullying powers."

At the United Nations, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said countries are turning their backs on "bullying powers."
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And while he insisted Iran's nuclear activities are peaceful, Ahmadinejad blamed the same powers for seeking to hinder it "by exerting political and economic pressures on Iran, and threatening and pressuring" the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Those powers, meanwhile, are building or maintaining nuclear stockpiles themselves, unchecked by anyone, he said.

As Ahmadinejad spoke, the only person at the United States table was a note-taker; no U.S. diplomat was present. When President Bush spoke earlier Tuesday, however, Ahmadinejad was in the room.

"As long as the aggressors, because of their financial, political and propaganda powers, not only escape punishment, but even claim righteousness, and as long as wars are started and nations are enslaved in order to win votes in elections, not only will the problems of the global community remain unsolved, but they will be increasingly exacerbated," the Iranian leader said.

He accused the United States of oppressing Iraqis with six years of occupation, saying Americans were "still seeking to solidify their position in the political geography of the region and to dominate oil resources." Video Watch Ahmadinejad say the "American empire" is nearing collapse »
Ahmadinejad Exclusive
A revealing interview with the president of Iran. Watch President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on "Larry King Live."
9 p.m. ET
see full schedule »

Meanwhile, he said, Palestinians have undergone "60 years of carnage and invasion ... at the hands of some criminal and occupying Zionists."

He said Zionists in Israel "have forged a regime through collecting people from various parts of the world and bringing them to other people's land, by displacing, detaining and killing the true owners of that land."

The Security Council, he said, "cannot do anything, and sometimes under pressure from a few bullying powers, even paves the way for supporting these Zionist murders."

He stopped short of calling for Israel to be politically wiped off the map as he has in the past. He called for "a free referendum in Palestine for determining and establishing the type of state in the entire Palestinian lands."

Ahmadinejad pointed to what he said are signs of hope, saying an increasing number of nations are turning their backs on "the bullying powers" and seeking to establish new relations.

"Today the Zionist regime is on a definite slope to collapse," he said.

Hours before that speech, Bush told the General Assembly that Iran was among the nations that "continue to sponsor terror."

"Yet their numbers are growing fewer, and they're growing more isolated from the world," Bush said.

Bush also said U.N. members needed to enforce sanctions against Iran for failing to suspend its nuclear program, which the United States and other Western nations believe is intended to develop nuclear weapons.

Before Ahmadinejad spoke to the U.N., he said in a recorded interview to air on CNN's "Larry King Live" Tuesday night that he is willing to meet with presidential candidates Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama -- even in front of the media -- to discuss world issues and debate.
Don't Miss

* Bush reassures U.N. on economy
* Iran confirms nuclear component production
* View excerpts from the interview transcript

But he said he has no preference between the two.

"We believe that these are issues relating to the domestic affairs of the United States," Ahmadinejad told Larry King of the presidential race, according to a transcript of the interview.

"And decisions pertaining to that must be made by the American people. And it's not important to us either," Ahmadinejad said. "What matters essentially is that the president that is chosen by the American people should adopt a path and a policy approach and for us to observe the policy approach.

"This is the campaign period, anyone can say anything. So we disregard that. What matters is that once someone is in office, we have to watch and see if that person will bring about some changes in policy or continue the same old path."

Ahmadinejad was in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly meeting, which began Tuesday.

"I have said that, in fact, on this very trip, currently in New York, that I am ready to speak with the presidential candidates before the press," he told Larry King. "I believe that we've really done whatever we could do in this respect." Video Watch a preview of Ahmadinejad's remarks »

Asked whether he fears a U.S. attack, Ahmadinejad told King that attacking Iran would be the "worst thing the U.S. government can do ... I think that in the United States, there are enough reasonable people, smart people, who would not allow the U.S. government to make such a big mistake."

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, meanwhile, would be "the best scenario," Ahmadinejad said. "But I think that it needs a timetable ... the presence of the United States there has not reduced tension and it has not limited terrorism either. In fact, it has increased terrorism."

On hostility between the United States and Iran, Ahmadinejad told King: "The hostility has not been from our end. Up to this day, we have always been interested in having friendly relations."

Iran, he said later, "throughout history ... has demonstrated that it is a nation that is for peace and friendly with others."

And he insisted Iran's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, despite Western nations' concern to the contrary.

"Their concerns about us are not new," he told King of the West. "They've always been concerned. They were the ones who inspired Saddam [Hussein] to attack Iran and get us involved in an eight-year war. The terrorist groups that killed our president, our prime minister, our officials, are now freely asked to live in the Western countries."

The nuclear issue, he said, has been politicized and is not a legal struggle at all, noting the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog group, has "not detected any noncompliance or deviation" on the part of Tehran.

Ahmadinejad spoke extensively of Iran's support for Palestinians. The Iranian leader previously has made statements suggesting that Israel be politically "wiped off the map," though he insists that can be accomplished without violence. He has questioned the existence of the Holocaust, the genocidal Nazi campaign against European Jews, and warned Europeans that they may pay a heavy price for its support of Israel.

He insisted, however, that he and his country wish no harm to Jews.

"We have no problems with Jewish people," he said. "There are many Jews who live in Iran today ... but please pay attention to the fact that the Zionists are not Jews. They have no religion ... they just have -- wear masks of religiosity. How can you possibly be religious and occupy the land of other people?"

On the Holocaust, he said an impartial group should research whether it happened as has been claimed.

"There is a claim that the extent of the calamity was what it was," Ahmadinejad said. "There are people who agree with it. There are people who disagree."

Ahmadinejad has also caused controversy by previously suggesting there were no homosexuals in Iran. Regarding that statement, he told King: "I said it is not the way it is here. In Iran this is considered a very -- obviously, most people dislike it. And we have, actually, a law regarding it and the law is enforced."

However, he said, "we do pay attention that in Iran nobody interferes in the private lives of individuals. We have nothing to do with the private realm of people. This is at the -- non-private, public morality. In their own house, nobody ever interferes."

I personally agree with this statement that the times when the US was THE world power that did what it wanted with no opposition has ended. The big advantage that they had of nuclear power is no longer just theirs. Sure our economy has a great influence around the world because it is a world economy... but the days that western countries can go around colonizing the world and civilizing the masses are over, third world nations are no longer "third world" and yea i agree with some of his statements in his article but not all..
Old 09-24-2008, 04:45 PM
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How can ANYBODY take this guy seriously? This is the same guy that said the holocaust was a myth, and that there isn't a single homosexual in Iran, a country with 70 million people.
Old 09-24-2008, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by RB
How can ANYBODY take this guy seriously? This is the same guy that said the holocaust was a myth, and that there isn't a single homosexual in Iran, a country with 70 million people.
I think Larry king interviewed him and he said that they have laws against it and its not allowed in the public, but what happens at home is everyones own business, "the government doesnt get involved in the personal lives of its citizens" were his words I believe... im sure that not all exactly true but yea....
Old 09-24-2008, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by lil_1_2002
I think Larry king interviewed him and he said that they have laws against it and its not allowed in the public, but what happens at home is everyones own business, "the government doesnt get involved in the personal lives of its citizens" were his words I believe... im sure that not all exactly true but yea....

do you live in a box?

the iranian government is totally involved in the personal live of its citizens, 100% without a doubt

the guy is a complete nutjob

this is the same guy who claims the US has no chance against it's military, the same guy who thinks his military can shutdown the straits and stop oil production ...

anyone who takes this guy seriously beyond that fact that he's a dangerous nutcase is a moron
Old 09-24-2008, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by rebeld
do you live in a box?

the iranian government is totally involved in the personal live of its citizens, 100% without a doubt

the guy is a complete nutjob

this is the same guy who claims the US has no chance against it's military, the same guy who thinks his military can shutdown the straits and stop oil production ...

anyone who takes this guy seriously beyond that fact that he's a dangerous nutcase is a moron
give me three raptors and a refueling plane and I'm pretty sure that would mop up Iran h:
Old 09-24-2008, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by rebeld
do you live in a box?

the iranian government is totally involved in the personal live of its citizens, 100% without a doubt

the guy is a complete nutjob

this is the same guy who claims the US has no chance against it's military, the same guy who thinks his military can shutdown the straits and stop oil production ...

anyone who takes this guy seriously beyond that fact that he's a dangerous nutcase is a moron
i said thats what HE said not that i believe him... any thats not the point of the thread. its about America, not Iran i dont think hes the only one who feels this way.
Old 09-24-2008, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Civic2Scooby
give me three raptors and a refueling plane and I'm pretty sure that would mop up Iran h:


pfff prolly could do it with 1 ... i mean their air force is entirely made up of soviet vintage hardware after all

i'd love to see us park a aircraft carrier right on the edge of their territorial waters and say what now bitch
Old 09-24-2008, 05:04 PM
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He IS a homo
Old 09-24-2008, 06:22 PM
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If you don't think third world nations are no longer third world, you have never been there h:
Old 09-24-2008, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by RB
How can ANYBODY take this guy seriously? This is the same guy that said the holocaust was a myth, and that there isn't a single homosexual in Iran, a country with 70 million people.
came in here to post this.

Ahmadinejad is a nutjob, end of story. :edit: And just to be clear, about half of Iran thinks he's a nutjob too. He's like Iran's Bush h:

Last edited by white_n_slow; 09-24-2008 at 07:49 PM.

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