What did you buy yourself and what are you buying others?
myself: just bought guitar hero III for Wii
Ling: not gonna say cuz she might read h:
Bro: USC jacket, couple T's from thinkgeek, and a math mug
Dad: Deep Fryer
Mom: Holiday Barbie ornament and December Birthday Barbie
Ling: not gonna say cuz she might read h:
Bro: USC jacket, couple T's from thinkgeek, and a math mug
Dad: Deep Fryer
Mom: Holiday Barbie ornament and December Birthday Barbie
no sig
no sig
Only if you buy the 360 guitar hero bundle. That's the only reason i'm buying the bundle honestly.
All guitars are wired except for the ones in the GHIII bundle.
All guitars are wired except for the ones in the GHIII bundle.
it was $10 cheaper than the PS3 89.99
i may have to check again, i don't want any wires holding me back from some serious star power action
damn you, now im going to go home and play some GH2