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Old 07-21-2004, 07:34 AM
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Default Help!!!!!!

Alright, I know this has thread has been done 6547932 times. I did a search looking through some of the old topics, but I didn't really find what I was looking for.

For the last week I have been struggling to write this speech. Its a persuasive speech against Same Sex Marriages. (For the record, this isnt a personal view, its just a topic that was assigned to me)

I don't really have an opinion on the subject. I think both arguments have a lot of holes in them. Regardless of how I feel, the speech HAS to be given in less than three hours. Ive gotten my deadline pushed back three different times now, and I doubt he's going to let me do it again.

Without adding any bullshit into this arguing, bickering, belittling....can I BEG you guys to let me know how you feel on the issue?

Im curious to find out the "why's" on both sides. All of the articles I have found attack the opposite view, but none of them really solidify their own views...or even clearly express their views at all.

Im desperate, people. I would greatly appreciate anything anyone has to offer.
Old 07-21-2004, 07:37 AM
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hm... i think the :ghey: should go back to where they came from... not really helpin ur paper out but my opinion
Old 07-21-2004, 07:40 AM
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Even my outline is crap! I have no idea where to go with this. Why couldnt I have been blessed with something euthanasia or capitol punishment. Bah.

I. Introduction

"In God We Trust". --- Four words strung together to make one of the most well known phrases in American culture. Coined, pardon the pun, during the civil war these words were put on our currency to acknowledge our nation's overwhelming religious sentiment during a time of desperation. This is just one of many instances where religion has proved to be the backbone of our country. I submit that despite the fact that our constitution calls for separation of church and state, we are a nation who will forever be guided by religion. It is my belief that preserving the sanctity of marriage, protecting the traditional family, and providing a healthy world for our children is a duty placed on us by our forefathers, the society in which we live, and by God.

II. Marriage, by both religious and legal definition, is the union of one free man and one free woman.

A. “Let every man have his own wife, and every woman have her own husband.” States 1 Corinthians 7:2
B. “Marriage – A contract made in due form of law, by which a free man and a free woman reciprocally engage to live with each other during their joint lives, in the union which ought to exist between husband and wife.” - ELL
C. By allowing marriages that stray from the traditional guidelines we are undermining the word of God and also the word of the law. Therefore, obliterating the sanctity of marriage.

III. Same sex marriages will speed up the collapse of the traditional family unit.

A. The increase in non-traditional families appear to have a direct correlation to the rise in crime, suicide, and chemical dependency rates among adolescents.

1. 75% of children/adolescents in chemical dependency hospitals are from single-parent families. (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA)
2. 63% of suicides are individuals from single parent families (FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - Investigative Aid)
3. 81% of gang members in California come from interracial families. (FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin - Investigative Aid)

B. Legalizing same sex marriages will embrace the idea of non-traditional families, which will eventually lead to an alarming increase of disastrous behavior.

IV. Extreme liberals convey Same Sex Marriage as a social issue, when in fact it is a ploy targeting economic gain.

Old 07-21-2004, 07:41 AM
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Old 07-21-2004, 07:48 AM
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Its the term marriage that i have a problem being used for same sex couples. I dont have a problem with them receiving the rights. but the fact that the term marriage stands for a man and woman, not man+man or woman+woman.

If it is called a civil union or another term Fine and Dandy Just dont call it marriage because it is not.
Old 07-21-2004, 08:03 AM
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I find that most people I talk to that are against gay marriage fall into one of two catagories.
1. Very religous people
2. Ignorent pricks
The first one is understandable because for most people marriage is a religous and spiritual thing and being gay is against most religions which makes gay marriage wrong. As for the ignorent pricks. They seem to not like gay marriage because they just don't like gays because it's gross or something and they just plain hate them. They try to hide behind the religous stuff and say that is morally wrong but you can normally pick them out because they get really pissed off after like 30 seconds of discussion.

Me personally, I'm not gay. Gay sex is gross to me (unless it's two girls ). But I am still all for gay marriage. I personally believe that being gay is some sort of defect that they are born with (my own personal theory is that it is something programmed into every species to fight over population). With that said there is nothing that they can do about it and I think they should have the right to live their life as close to normal as they want. Most of them have the same desires as normal people do. Find someone to love, get married, start a family, be successful, etc. And prohibiting gay marriage kinda fawks them over. I think that calling it a "civil union" or something like that if they got all the rights just like a marriage is still not right. Just because they can't breed with their spouse doesn't mean it's not a marriage. The love and commitment is still there. I can't back this part up but I heard somewhere that gay couples are more likely to stay together than straight couples. There has also been no correlation between gay parents and their children growing up gay. Anyway, tha'ts my 2 cents...hope it helps you out.

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