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Old 06-04-2008, 11:38 AM
Apathy Kills
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Originally Posted by acuragal03
If it's directly related to the camshaft wouldn't it make more sense that it is the water pump? As long as I am revving the engine it doesn't overheat...
Not if the thermostat has failed and is stuck in the closed position.
With the thermostat closed, the flow to the radiator is restricted and the coolant temperature will be more susceptible to fluctuations based on flow rate.

If you take that car out on a lengthy highway run, you will discover that the coolant temperature will continue to rise as both the coolant and engine block reach their limit of heat absorption. Once you pass that limit, you risk blowing the head gasket, warping the cylinder head or worse.

If you're due for a timing belt change (which should happen every 90,000 or 6 years), by all means replace the water pump while you're down there.
It's a good insurance policy.

But if the thermostat isn't opening, the symptoms you describe are going to continue. The same thing happened to my GTi after I changed to an electric water pump and the thermostat was the culprit.
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