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Old 02-13-2004, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by white_n_slow
Normally I cut the noobs more slack than most of you guys... I try to be nice and helpful and clue them in to info on the site and whatnot. I let it slide if they say dumb stuff because they are just learning...

but theres this guy in 92+ called FTP_Racing or something like that who I've noticed saying a lot of dumb stuff. His post count is only like 21, and I already recognize his name as the guy who posts bullplop all the time. I think the reason is just because he gives wrong answers rather than just admitting he doesn't know. :dunno: That and he posted some bullplop about getting busted going 137 and getting caught, but still needing to know how to un-govern his car.

Anyway, no real point to this thread, just thought I'd share.

PS: FTP, if you read this, no offense, just think before you post :thumbup:

I was actually debating posting a very similar thread about this character...and if he reads this take is one thing to not know an answer but it is another to mislead due to the fact that you think you know everything. Also, all this talk about how you were in a huge cop chase yadda yadda...I dont care if it happened or not..either way it makes you sound like an could have hurt people just because you wanted to try and out run the police......ugg I wish I could ban him cause I would....:rant: :angry: