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Epoch 02-24-2005 10:47 AM

You Liberals Are Clueless

Brillaint piece of writing done by an actual conservative on the values he's observed. I can really respect his sense of observation and biting satire against the failing of Liberal values in American society against Conservatism.

clickwir 02-24-2005 10:49 AM

oh great more of this shit.



ISP James 02-24-2005 11:09 AM

i didnt bother reading all of that.... but i dont know that this author is the kind of guy i want speaking on my behalf, based on what i did read.

and i can proudly say to those here that dont already know, i am a conservative.

JGordon 02-24-2005 11:10 AM

Well, that was different than I expected. I kind of enjoyed it, but I'm sure it's going to lead to another one of our infamous HAN name-calling, internet-yelling flame wars.

Epoch 02-24-2005 11:13 AM

He's more of an independent now, kinda of like some of my friends, that were Conservatives, found out that didn't work for them, and still think Liberals are wusses, so they're independents. He dislikes both sides, but dislikes even more the misbalance in power, which he has come to loathe. I thought it was interesting, but on the other hand, I'm a bleeding heart liberal, so I'm not an impartial third party to this whole thing :oh:

ISP James 02-24-2005 11:14 AM

if that guy truly has conservative values, he just ran smack all over himself and the other american conservatives. he bought into many of the stereotypes and i might even place the argument that he is clueless, clueless about the conservative party that he seems to "represent"

Epoch 02-24-2005 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by ISP James
if that guy truly has conservative values, he just ran smack all over himself and the other american conservatives. he bought into many of the stereotypes and i might even place the argument that he is clueless, clueless about the conservative party that he seems to "represent"

Well, did you finish reading the whole article?

ISP James 02-24-2005 11:18 AM

no :oh:

i read up to section 3 and i didnt feel like he was really being all that logical :dunno:

ISP James 02-24-2005 11:19 AM

actually, into section 3....

BonzoAPD 02-24-2005 11:21 AM

damn this is long. Still trying to read it while I am working. So far not going too well

ISP James 02-24-2005 11:24 AM

i dont believe that i am drivin by power or the need to humiliate anybody. i dont feel good about hurting other people. he is better describing the school yard bully than the conservative, IMO....

but still reading...

Jessica 02-24-2005 11:25 AM

i'm not wasting my time.

BonzoAPD 02-24-2005 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by ISP James
i dont believe that i am drivin by power or the need to humiliate anybody. i dont feel good about hurting other people. he is better describing the school yard bully than the conservative, IMO....

but still reading...

agreed. I help people who are in need of help. I just don't want to pay for every tom, dick and sally that can work for a living but decides not to because they know the govt will pay for them.

still reading . . .

ISP James 02-24-2005 11:35 AM

just finished, my mind isnt changed. this is an angrly liberal writing this article.

white_n_slow 02-24-2005 11:39 AM

sounds stupid. somebody actually finish reading this thing and give cliffs notes.

ISP James 02-24-2005 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by white_n_slow
sounds stupid. somebody actually finish reading this thing and give cliffs notes.


guy used to be a conservative

believes that conservatism is based on:
*power hungry

went to college, something reached out and touched him, his parents got the same miracle.

he (and they) "realized" he (they were) was being lied to

turned liberal.

white_n_slow 02-24-2005 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by ISP James

guy used to be a conservative

believes that conservatism is based on:
*power hungry

went to college, something reached out and touched him, his parents got the same miracle.

he (and they) "realized" he (they were) was being lied to

turned liberal.

yep, stupid.

Epoch 02-24-2005 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by BonzoAPD
:chuckles: It definetly is an angry liberal. . . . Fatbooty, is this part of the book you are writing? :dunno:

Whoever this is, this guy has no clue about Conservatives. Epoch what liberal site linked you to this article?

It's a liberal blog that I read... Helped uncover the whole Jeff Gannon thing, and it's good to read stuff written like minded and intelligent individuals.

Jessica 02-24-2005 11:51 AM

everyone lies :oh: both repubs and dems

BonzoAPD 02-24-2005 11:54 AM

There's a relevant post entitled 'Update to My Blog Disgust' on this url:

It's pretty far down the page. It's in a similar vein as the first link, but I think it's a little more fair and balanced.

Epoch 02-24-2005 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by BonzoAPD
There's a relevant post entitled 'Update to My Blog Disgust' on this url:

It's pretty far down the page. It's in a similar vein as the first link, but I think it's a little more fair and balanced.

Where? I'm not seeing it...

Epoch 02-24-2005 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by HAN Frodo
everyone lies :oh: both repubs and dems

Exactly... his message to Liberals was that stop pretending to be nice and go toe to toe with Republicans, or else you'll continue to lose even worse than you have been recently

benjamin 02-24-2005 01:07 PM

Interesting rant. I think, for the most part, the piece is his response to the parts of the Republican agenda that he dislikes, and a fuzzy map for Howard Dean's Democratic renaissance.

For what its worth, one of my best friends* is not just a member of the Republican party - he actually works for the Republicans at the state level. He's intelligent and compassionate, and I believe that he will, one day, be a great leader. This by way of saying that the amorphous, shadowy conservative that is the political strategy of the Republican party is not necessarily indicative of the character of an individual.

* No kidding - I was best man at his wedding.

white_n_slow 02-24-2005 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by benjamin
Interesting rant. I think, for the most part, the piece is his response to the parts of the Republican agenda that he dislikes, and a fuzzy map for Howard Dean's Democratic renaissance.

For what its worth, one of my best friends* is not just a member of the Republican party - he actually works for the Republicans at the state level. He's intelligent and compassionate, and I believe that he will, one day, be a great leader. This by way of saying that the amorphous, shadowy conservative that is the political strategy of the Republican party is not necessarily indicative of the character of an individual.

* No kidding - I was best man at his wedding.

:werd: I have a friend that works for a republican senator in NOLA... I have no clue how that happened, but alas, its the truth.

qtiger 02-24-2005 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by BonzoAPD
fair and balanced.


BonzoAPD 02-24-2005 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Qbacca

yes that is tue that it isn't fair and balanced because a liberal wrote it :rolleyes:

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