Conversation Between e3NiNe and nevets
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. nevets
    12-15-2008 06:01 PM
    PM me a total. h:
  2. e3NiNe
    12-15-2008 09:48 AM
    Hey, you wouldn't want a copy of Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, do you?

    I found one on super sale at Radio Shack. It'll be $11 + shipping + paypal fees. Let me know. :love:
  3. nevets
    11-18-2008 10:47 PM
    I'll have to ask my brother if he wants to mod it, he doesn't play it all that much (think he only has like 4-5 games).

    But not paying for games anymore should be reason enough for him to do it.
  4. e3NiNe
    11-18-2008 10:33 PM
    If the 360 drive looks like this:

    My original Elite from April 07

    The Pro system picked up from James in Dec 07

    The mod can be done. I can even PM you the directions / YouTube video to get it done quickly if you're comfortable doing it. What's needed: PC w. SATA onboard, 2 special cds, and some random (no brainer) programs.

    Just know that the system shouldn't be taken on Xbox Live for gaming anymore. Don't leave the system connected to the internet and only hop on Live to retrieve DLC's without a disc in the drive.

    As always, let me know if you needed anything
  5. nevets
    11-18-2008 10:11 PM
    Theres a demo of it on PSN, try it out. The mechanics of it are so cool.

    My brother has a 360 Elite, can that be modded? :uhhok:

    Yeeeah, I've been waiting on getting a larger memory stick, black friday should have some sweet 8 gigs for sale.
  6. e3NiNe
    11-18-2008 09:20 PM
    woah dude!

    I've never seen that one before. Holy cripes. I've been so XBox 360'ed that I'm out of the PS3 loop. :crazyr:

    If you can find a 360 from last holiday's Forza / Marvel Alliance times, I can mod it. The modded 360 is so nice too.

    OT v2:
    I was supposed to mod your PSP, right? :thinking:
  7. nevets
    11-18-2008 09:15 PM
  8. nevets
    10-25-2008 09:43 PM
    Got my copy of LBP today :domo:
  9. nevets
    10-22-2008 02:50 PM
    GoW is pretty damn cool. I have the first one on PC and I'm itching to reinstall to play it.

    I still haven't picked up any iteration of Guitar Hero yet, but knowing me I'd end up like this:

  10. e3NiNe
    10-22-2008 02:45 PM
    OH ... I'm not getting them all. I think. : X

    I like the idea of GoW2, but I haven't even played the first. Guitar Hero is kinda awesome, so is Scene-It. The last 2 are really games for me and the gf. It's much cheaper and more exciting than going to the bar fo sho.

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